Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction for June 16 — TradingView News

The market is buying and selling sideways on the finish of the week, in accordance with CoinMarketCap.High cash by CoinMarketCap


The value of Bitcoin BTCUSD has risen by 0.14% over the previous 24 hours.Picture by TradingView

On the hourly chart, the speed of BTC is attempting to interrupt the native resistance degree of $66,350. If it breaks out, the upward transfer could proceed to the $66,800 zone quickly.Picture by TradingView

On the every day time-frame, not one of the sides has collected sufficient power for a pointy transfer. This assertion can be confirmed by falling quantity.

On this case, ongoing consolidation within the zone of $66,000-$68,000 is the extra possible state of affairs.Picture by TradingView

From the midterm standpoint, the image is sort of comparable. The value of BTC is way from assist and resistance ranges. Likewise, there are low possibilities to see sharp ups or downs through the subsequent few days.

Bitcoin is buying and selling at $66,402 at press time.